the PMS moment

its a bad sign to your gallant soul when you start thinking of future, another sign of aging? yes it is.

the more you stay the same, the more you seem to change, (Corrine Bailey Ray)
just quoted a song, what a lame-ass.

its been a long time since i had a real laugh, the one that makes one's body crippled when trying to restrain the loud giggle, the one can draw tears of joy while laughing, the one that makes the face numbs of enjoying the jolly moment , the jaw almost draws out of your skull, and when one snaps the picture of that exact moment, we will all be seen moving, shaking, and giggling.

those days are gone.

numbers of things i've never done. ive never been out of malaysia. not even reach the sabah and sarawak. i've never been on a flight. never been to a concert. mom never sent me to tuition centre. i didnt attend the religion school. im not living in a decent house. i have no driving license. i don't own blackberry or smart phones. don't even know how to use them. i  used to lie about my father whenever people asks it. i never have that daughter-father talks, will never have. gladly, i have reasons for ignoring him.

i haven't eaten since last night, so i am hungry.

my emotion, expressions are collectible. its changeable because its in a form of masks and i am the master of camouflage. the jubilant, the ignorant, the bitch, the wicked, the playful, the not serious, the serious, the bitter old maid, the green child, the strong hulk, the weakling duck, the complainer, the crier, the loser, the boastful, the jolly, the poor lass, the folly, the smart-ass, the typical, the eccentric,the confidence, the wimp, the frugal, the spender, the loser, the winner.

i am The Mask.


little ain said…
selamat berjuang moon :)

dont give up!
h f said…
erm...macamane nak follow blog ni?
h f said…
thanks, baru perasan ade button follow kat atas tu, slalunye click yg dekat sidebar je :P
ah, i pon baru perasan button tu. anyway thanks ya. mcm mana u can come across this blog?
Sir Pök Déng said…
sometimes.... errr....

Okay I enjoy reading this one. I'm gonna click click and click on that 'older post' link, read through you older posts, and put your url in my blogroll.

Anyway I love being hypocrite - whatever you may call it. Being 'hypocrite' ensures my social relationship in good condition, hence, I make no enemies. Being 'hypocrite' also ensure I'm not a sinner. Sinners I've met are rebellious beings hold tight to 'not to be hypocrite' doctrine.

Sometimes... errrr...

Okay that's all.
Syahmi said…
kan, punya belek main belek jumpa blog ko pun akhirnya wawawa~

i havent had a good laugh since my days at home! indeed, USM and most people in it has sucked the joy of life out from me. what a bunch of noobs!
pok deng: oh come on, life without enemies is not a life. hypocrisy is inevitable but its not a license to be a total jerk. still, you got to have your own voice, be rebellious, be hateful,be can you be so sure ur not a 'sinner'? and btw, terima kasih singgah :)

syahmi: punya aku sorok punya sorok, wawawa~ usm and most people of it, indeed a bunch of noobs. tak sabaq nak angkat kaki belah dari sini.

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