half full or half empty?

last night i thought of blogging, but i have little patient while waiting for the box to upload so i turned off the laptop and off to sleep. and this remind me of other situations that prove i have little patient.

i hate waiting for the lift, so what i did, i used stairs either to reach the room or to get out. but that was last year, when i was living in 5-6th floor.

waiting for the bus, could dread anyone's patient, so am i. instead of waiting for it, i chose to walk and climb the hill in order to reach the college. but that was years ago, when i was still in M03 and not stranded at the highest peak of USM. back in 2009, when i finished the evening class, i walked my way to college. but it is of course, sometimes, and i preferred to be walking than squeezing myself in bunch of people on the bus.

i hate lining up knowing that i can just rush to the counter.

i cannot tolerate those who don't pick up my call, after several attempts of doing so. if it is inevitable, i understand that.

once i decided to cut my hair which most of the time is spontaneously done, i just have to fulfill the desire so it's either i will cut my own hair (bang) by myself or rush to the nearest salon.  once i did that, oh what a relief feeling but not if the haircut was disastrous.

i had cut my hair short (a boy cut), knowing that it wont get any longer and healthier. 

waiting kills the virtue of being patient and i only have half full of it.


little ain said…
yeayyy! dah dah ade komen box.

aku pon akan pilih half full sebab lecturer cakap bunyi die macam positif compared to half empty.

aku pon same. sangatlaa kurang sifat sabar. takleh tolerate langsung kalo org tak angkat phone. walhal aku lagi laa terok, tak pernah bawak hp.

haa kan ain. bila nak sabar tu susah je. especially bila melibatkan org lain, rasa mcm kita teraniaya. terasa selfish pulak dekat situ

ain!!! mcm mana nak buat yang certain post je boleh comment?
little ain said…
huhu kesabaran tu, aku memang fail.

pasal comment box. nanti time dah siap type entry, ade satu button kat box entry tu tulis post options. then, boleh laa tekan kat situ untuk entry yang nak dikomen atau taknak.
haaaa ok. da tahu. tapi still rasa nak hide comment. ;p

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