all the bad wishes

that fucking idiot, bastard thief got nothing else to do haa?
got nothing else to steal, eh?
why must my precious jeans and cardi?
why must that damp clothes?
can't wait until it dry ah?
and now tell me, what am i gonna wear?
what am i suppose to WEAR?
you have no idea how d missing cardi can ruin the whole wardrobe
you certainly have no idea how that jeans works wonder to my meaty thigh
and now what i should wear?????

you're dumb ass
son of a bitchhhhhhhhhhhhh
may you rotten in hell
may you be destroyed by germs from that clothes
may you be infected by syphilis
may you lose all your teeth
may you be uglier fattier poorer
may you starve to death

may you be punished by The Mighty, its all i can hope for. knowing there is nothing i can do, haih. honestly, i don't care about how much it costs, those clothes are not that pricey. what makes me rage, furious, mad about this dumb-ass thief is that she stole lots from others too, at the same time, the same morning, in the same building, idiot asshole, and she stole mine while it not yet dried, still wet and damp. with limited piece of clothes, i don't know what to wear for this coming trip. what i have now, are red cardi and a pair of hideous gray jeans which i'll be wearing for a week.

bear the smell.
 haih, be patient munirah.  tough luck.


D.S.R said…
uit? sape curik baju ko oon? aissh, mesti macik cleaner ingt tade org punye neh..huehue hilang katne? saujana ke tekun?
kat restu. tipu laa dia tak tau xde org. baju yg lain tak kena pulak curik. betul2 cardi n jeans, stil baju tu basah kot. pungkok punya makcik
D.S.R said…
moon, ezwan balak ryn pun hilang baju,ada org hilang laptop lah..mack cleaner amik...teruk gile service kat restu...makan gaji hareemm
urgggghhh, RAGE!!!! memang teruk punya org. makan gaji haram. ni tak ckp lagi pasal service, lagi teruk. aku tak paham dorang ni keje cemana. nak naik saujana balik T_T
little ain said…
huuu that black jeans ke?

fuhhh selamat bukan that red cardi, fav aku tuh. huhu!

takziah oke. jangan marah marah :)
huhu, yg skinny tu, yang i love the most. n cardigan tu kan, yg itam, the one i bought kt a.setaq, bundle.baju 2rm pon nak tibai ke.

anyway, korang ni sebut takziah as if it real bad. makes me feel, er, ridiculous for mourning the missing clothes. nonetheless, thank you
Syahmi said…
aku bab2 gini mmg slalu je mood-swing nk mencarut. haremmmmm~
tsk, memang. gila satu hari aku, semalam.

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