being too honest in your blog is not good. someone would love to kill you.

commitment baby. all i need is a little awareness from you to be more responsible in whatever action you have taken. if you have a meeting, should you be unconsciously sleeping until the meeting ends? if you have an exam, should you be 15 minutes late? if you make a promise, should you break it?

curse me with all kinds of hate rants because i am done dealing with your folly. it is such a relief that i am no longer care the shit-things you do. i have reached the glory of ignorant. do i like this feeling? dang! i love it baby.

for at least, i won't be spending times dreadfully waiting for you. for at least i won't be feeling sad when you cancel our plan at the very last minute. for at least, i am free of the responsibility of reminding you to stay focus. for at least i am not feeling guilty when i look into your parents eyes.

i wonder if you sense this, they hope for a bright future and better fortune of yours and you....kind of spoil it.

suffice to say, you have successfully turn me into a heartless robot but don't feel bad, i kind of like it. don't get so awkward when i am around you because i am pretty much the same, perhaps a bit bitter. i may not be a part of your funny talk because i am no longer understand the joke. but i will keep smiling, pretending like nothing happens because i can simply put on the Mask of Ignorant.

p/s: though you can conceal the feeling, you cannot lie to yourself.


Unknown said…
what happened moon?
haaaih bump into follies byg sgt jes. rasa makin tua dah. tsk.
Unknown said…
makin tua? aummmmm! haha
rrrrrrr! weh, tak belah tigress ni. haha, weh jesss jeles aku tgk korang berseronok. :'(
tengok missing word pulak dah.

* tak 'boleh' blah'

bukti ni jes, bukti usia lanjut.

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