the sushi truth

after several attempts of wanting to be cool, i am now officially declare that i do not like sushi.

probably will never like it.

love the topping but not the rice and the seaweed. but but but there is another kind of sushi that i wont resist.

chocolate sushi :) drooooooollling


Aini Hanani said…
dah pernah rasa tak?

yesterday I ate a couple of sushi and found it really good..well at least Sushi King is good..never buy Tesco sushi it is very untasty...urgh
the bento set from sushi king huh. ive got that one too and still dont like it. but like u said, sushi king tastes better than other sushi.
Sir Pök Déng said…
Never tried other sushis but of Sushi King. I like sushi. Recalling the history of me eating sushi, after going through vast tastebud's adjustment to the weird taste of raw seafood which I never tasted, I finally discovered a way to persuade other people to like sushi. There are steps that need to be taken. And the outcome would be 'like', 'dislike', or something in between.

Step 1: Introduce him/her sushi with unagi topping. Unagi is smoked Japanese fresh water eel.

Step 2: Let him/her eat raw meats of the sea, starting with the most decent ones: squids and shrimps.

Step 3: Persuade him/her to try raw meats with somewhat strong taste and smell; the salmon and other fishes.

Step 4: FORCE him/him eat ebiko.
pok deng, you forgot to mention the fifth step, the final step on how to measure the success of your theory. plus, u should include the testimony of your poor friends as well though. ;p

anyway, it wont work to me. i can go native by eating the raw seafood but its the sticky rice and that bitter seaweed that i cant swallow. so uh uh, no thank you. :)
h f said…
tak penah try sushi king.. sedap ke? but sushi is my fav japanese food! dah la best sebab boleh control portion, tak bazir2
h f: not if you asked me. :) but the seafood, i mean the filling on top of it is gooood. i dont know about the control portion. i bet the sushi in japan is way tastier kan?

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